Patient Experience Intern

From April to July of 2024 I had the most amazing opportunity to intern with Common Spirit Hospitals in the northern part of California. This included overseeing Mercy Medical Center Mount Shasta, Saint Elizabeth's in Red Bluff, and Mercy Medical Center Redding. I worked under the Director of Patient Experience for these three hospitals and was able to attend all executive and leadership meetings during the internship.

With the support of hospital leadership, I was able to work on 4+ projects to raise PEX scores. My biggest accomplishment was using my coding expertise to create a program that would minimize the data organizing tasks from 9 hours to 3 hours.

I was fortunate enough to be apart of Nurse Week, Hospital Week, Volunteer Appreciation, CNA Week, and Patient Experience Week. The support of my department in the hospital is crucial  piece in employee satisfaction. For these special events, I used my Adobe Creative Suite skills to create posters and brochures for the marketing team.

The volunteer staff at Mercy Medical Center Redding is the largest department at the hospital. In June I collaborated with leaders to plan a Volunteer Luncheon event; the theme was "You are One in a Melon." The hospital provided food, dessert, entertainment, and music to show how much we appreciate the Redding community who volunteers at the hospital.

To be able to support the patients in the hospital and be an advocate for their quality of care was an amazing opportunity. I believe that patient experience is a "everyone department." When all hospital staff are committed to respecting patients and providing the highest level of care, the hospital scores rise. 

Skills Acquired:

Data Analysis                    ◆◆◆◆◇

Leadership                        ◆◆◆◇◇

Time Management           ◆◆◆◆◇

Problem Solving               ◆◆◇◇◇

Quality Management        ◆◆◆◇◇

Empathy & Compassion    ◆◆◆◆◆

Professionalism                   ◆◆◆◆◇

Communications Specialist

In July of 2023 I started employment at Sundance Mountain Resort as a communication specialist. My responsibilities were to eliminate complexity for guest experience and to manage internal resort communication. Throughout the time I was there my department rebranded and doubled in size. I worked under a wonderful leader who was very passionate about every aspect of the resort. The marketing department manager would consistently ask for my help and support in planning essential resort events, such as the start of ski season 2023-2024. I also supported the marketing campaign of the young adult season pass to Brigham Young University students. When marketing wanted to target more tourists in Utah, I created essential concierges contact numbers to help with the new resort initiative.  

The best part of my job was the daily role I played in supporting guest's and doing service recovery for the resort. I valued the guests who came to the resort and took pride in Sundance being a company that truly cared about each and every guest. 

Skills Acquired

Experience Design             ◆◆◆◆◇

Communication                 ◆◆◆◆◆

Time Management             ◆◆◆◇◇

Detail Orientation              ◆◆◆◆◇

Customer Management      ◆◆◆◆◆

Teamwork                          ◆◆◇◇◇

Self-Motivation                   ◆◆◆◆◇

Medical Technician

During the fall of 2022, I was employed by Dr. Adam T. Bowen Family & Pediatrics Ophthalmology clinic as a medical technician. This meant that I would screen all the patient's before they saw the doctor and used expensive equipment to take pictures of their eyes. I was trained in the day to day operations of the clinic and was cross-trained as receptionist and doctor's assistant. Using critical thinking I was able to simplify the operation system allowing nearly double the amount of people to be seen in one work day. 

Many people who were handicapped or disabled came through the office with pressing vision concerns. By having empathy and patience, the staff and I were able to reconfigure the clinic to support the differing needs of the individuals. I learned from working at Dr. Bowen's office the difference treating all people with high levels of respect and kindness makes. 


While trying to pay for my education I got my first ever job as a server at Airpark Café during the beginning of COVID 19. It was one of the most enjoyable jobs I ever had because it involved high levels of personal interactions with guests. In that restaurant that I discovered I wanted my career after college to include engaging interactions and positive service experiences. 

I was able to be head server of the Airpark Café for a few months and loved the ability to take ownership of guest experience. I firmly believed that I could make a positive difference in anyone's life even I was just their waitress for a couple of hours.

For information or collaborations please contact me at